We are not a typical diamond supplier. We are a solution provider that address industry challenges and meet customer expectations. SOLUTIONS, in its plural form, as identifying synthetic products, enhancing traceability, setting up Just in Time delivery standards and establishing after sales support centres close to our customers, give only an impression of what we bring to the table. Dive in to discover more.

Order Supply

To exceed expectations, we guarantee on-time delivery and go to great lengths at fulfilling last-minute orders. We are proud to maintain a flawless record in terms of quality and conformity standards. Ensuring a spotless order supply, is our SOLUTION.

Your Backbone in
Diamond Procurement

We assist in streamlining the diamond purchasing process,
taking the weight off our clients’ administrative workload.

We offer SOLUTIONS in areas of traceability, packaging, logistics, inventory and quality assurance to name a few, leaving our customers free to excel at what they do best:
creating exquisite jewellery pieces.

We aspire to be our customers’ servicing partner of choice.
Setting the standard, not just meeting it.


Crafted, tested and engineered by our team of experts, our proprietary technologies leave no room for doubt. We guarantee that our diamonds are 100% natural and unique. Our SOLUTION is independently audited and tests stones of all shapes and sizes, one by one, without ever relying on sampling methods.


We are continuously investing in a series of systems, procedures and standards to ensure that the journey of every single stone, no matter how small, is meticulously traced and accounted for. Solving the traceability of larger stones is merely a fragment of our commitment. Our true SOLUTION lies in empowering our customers to trace the origin of all their diamonds.


Haute couture jewellery demands precision and last-minute tweaks to meet end-clients’ wishes. Taché steps in to address the scarcity and exclusivity of this resource. We offer the service of a recutting and manufacturing atelier, delivering a fully bespoke SOLUTION right to our customers’ doorstep.

Exceptional Stories

Crafted by nature over millions of years, each natural diamond is a unique masterpiece with a compelling story to unveil. Our SOLUTION is to work hand in hand with our customers to capture the extraordinary journey and identity of exceptional stones.

Discover the transformation – from unearthed raw stone to mesmerizing tale.

Lesotho Legend – 910crt

The then 5th largest gem-quality diamond ever recovered, traces back to the Letšeng mine in Lesotho and was discovered in January 2018. It was baptized the Lesotho Legend to reflect the significant discovery. Taché acted as a facilitator between the miner and the luxury jewellery house Van Cleef & Arpels by polishing this exceptional stone.…

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Photo of a rough cut of the Lesotho Legend

Letšeng Icon – 439crt

In August 2020, the Letšeng Icon rough diamond was recovered in Lesotho. The name given to this diamond is a testimony of the exceptional gem quality pieces that are recovered at the Letšeng mine. Taché was presented with the unique challenge of finding a rightful new owner and come out with a polished that would…

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Photo of Letseng Icon, cut and rough

Queen of Kalahari – 342crt

Graced by Shirley Bassey performing her hit song Diamonds are Forever and worn by Charlize Theron during the Cannes Film Festival, the ultimate queen of the red carpet was recovered from the Karowe mine in Botswana in April 2015. An incredible 342crt Type IIa rough diamond, was transformed into a high jewellery collection known as…

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Different versions of Queen of Kalahari

Rose of Kao – 29.59crt

The Kao mine in Lesotho is renowned for uncovering pink diamonds, which have resulted in some of the rarest vivid polished outcomes. The Rose of Kao (29.59crt), recovered in 2018, was acquired by Taché and transformed into a stunning 10.88crt polished stone. The Diamond was eventually sold to Chopard and rechristened “Rose of Caroline”

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